Villa-Lobos Etude No. 1 & CG Magazine

Cardiff Guitar Lessons

If you haven’t yet got a copy of Classical Guitar magazine no. 382, the Summer 2016 edition, then you wouldn’t know about all the awesome articles and tips contained within it, along with a lesson I contributed on Villa-Lobos’s Etude No. 1. This video below is a companion to that article and shows you how … Read more

Plectrum Co-ordination

Cardiff Guitar Tutor

Featured Guitar Lesson Picking & Co-ordination     Aim: Practise coordinating the Left and Right hands. Level: Beginners to Intermediate. This foundation exercise is a great warm up for both hands. Guitar playing on a basic level is nothing more than good co-ordination of left and right hands. Follow theĀ  plectrum stroke directions closely; start … Read more